Friday 9 November 2018

Vincent Van Gogh: The Victim of His Own Behavior

Vincent van Gogh was born in 1853 in Zundert in the south of Netherlands. He was unlucky to live only for 37 years and to discover his passion for art at the age of 27. Therefore, he worked as an artist for only 10 years of his life. This article investigates why his artistic works were neglected and underestimated although he lived in the Enlightenment Age, which means that he lived in the age when the art movement was at its apex. During the Enlightenment Age, emphasis on literature, philosophy, science, fine arts and music became more widespread, especially with the growing middle class.

 This means that Vincent van Gogh had lived in a revived and flourishing artistic movement, which was supposed to help him flourish as an artist and become rich. On the contrary, he did not avail himself of the Enlightenment Age and gain a reputation as an artist. Although Vincent painted 900 paintings and more than 1,100 drawings, his works remained unknown and unsold and his brother Theo supported him financially during his lifetime. Perhaps one of the reasons for his failure to assert himself as a well-reputed artist is his clumsy behaviour when he underwent psychotic episodes and delusions. Another reason which added insult to injury is his short-tempered nature and rudeness which most of the times brought him bloody confrontations most prominently his fight with his fellow Gauguin that ended up with cutting off Vincent's' earlobe. Moreover, he was always dirty and not well-dressed, which made people avoid dealing with him and or buying his artistic works.

Furthermore, the deterioration of his health and financial status delivered more pangs to his life and caused an early death to such a great artist like Vincent but now in our age, his magnificent painting (Portrait of Dr Gachet) is sold around 150 million dollars in auctions. What we learn from Vincent's experience is that the seed that is planted in darkness may blossom later in the light. This means that if you work on something maybe you will not see its fruits or its fruits may be predestined to the next generations. What is more important as a moral lesson is that we should not judge talented people by their outward show but by their abilities, talents and essence. Vincent van Gogh is just an example of the talented people who failed in their pursuit towards glory.

Caring for Antique Picture Frames

When using antique picture frames it can give your room a vintage look but it is very important that you take good care of these picture frames to keep them in good condition and prolong their lifespan. You will need to make sure that you are dusting your antique picture frames, wiping off the grime, and cleaning out the corners and crevices. The easiest way to help preserve your antique frames is to dust them off periodically to keep them in good condition. Nothing looks worse than a picture in an antique frame that has dust hanging off it. To dust the frame you can use a dry soft cloth to wipe down all four sides thoroughly.

You should try to do this at least once every fourteen days because dust can build-up quickly. Dust and dirt can also collect in corners and crevices so when you are dusting your antique frames you should also make sure that you are getting into these areas. Many times when people are dusting off their antique picture frames they are in a hurry to get the chore done and do not think about these areas. If you want to keep your frames in good condition you need to clean there also. To make it easier and to make sure that you get the corners and crevices completely clean you can use a dry toothbrush to remove any dirt that has accumulated there but make sure that you do it very gently. If there are tiny crevices you can use a toothpick to dig out the dirt and gunk. If you do not have the time to clean these areas when you are dusting off the frame make sure that it is done at least once every three months.

 In addition to dusting the antique picture frame you should also wipe it down to get rid of the grime other than the dust. To do this you need to mix fifty percent linseed oil and fifty percent denatured alcohol in a small bowl. In order to prevent any damage to the picture it is best to remove it first if possible. If it cannot be removed you need to make sure that your soft clean rag is not dripping with the solution. Dip a small corner of the clean rag into the solution and wipe down all four sides of the frame. Just make sure that you only use a little of the solution at a time to prevent dripping on the painting. This is a job that should be done every three to six months. Doing these simple things will help to keep preserve your antique picture frame and keep it looking nice for a long time. This post is penned by Avisha for Mahoneys Framing who are the finest and most awarded picture frames Melbourne

Thursday 8 November 2018

What Is The Salt Technique?

What is this technique used for? This technique is used to give paintings a rough texture and to create special colour effects. What the salt does is it absorbs the water in the paint and causes the pigment in the paint to spread out. What you're left with is a lighter area that provides a contrast with the darker paint you applied. Using this technique in a particular part of a painting can help give that prominence to make it stand out and grab the viewer's attention.

Can it be used with any type of paint? The only type of paint this technique is suitable for is watercolour because of the fact that the salt absorbs the water; the salt wouldn't have any water to absorb if you were painting with acrylics or oils, so the technique won't work with acrylics or oils. Can it be used with any type of salt? You can use any type of salt for this technique. However different types of salt will produce different effects and some types will work better than others. For the best effects, it's suggested that you use coarse salt.

 The bigger the piece of salt, the more it's going to absorb. This technique will still work with fine salt, but the effect won't be as pronounced as when using coarse salt. How do I do it? Using this technique is very simple. First get your watercolour paints and your support and paint the area you'd like to add the salt to.

Once you've finished painting, lightly sprinkle some salt over the area you want to be affected, though of course the paint has to still be wet, preferably shiny and quite damp. If the paint has dried, this technique won't work; if the paint's too wet and there are puddles of liquid everywhere, the salt will absorb all the paint and you won't get the same effects. Get rid of any puddles by gently using a paper towel. Once the salted area is completely dry, then you should gently brush away the granules of salt - don't leave the salt on the painting. Is there a knack to it? It may take you a few tries before you get this technique right because you have to know exactly how much salt to use to get your desired effects.

 If you use too little salt, you're not going to get as many effects; use too much and you could end up seeing too much of the colour absorbed. There is a knack to judging how much salt you should use - the wetness of the watercolour paint also makes a difference, so bear that in mind when experimenting with this technique. Try to use this technique in a room that isn't too warm or cold: if it's too warm, the paint can dry too quickly, not giving the salt enough time to be effective; it it's too cold, you could find yourself waiting for ages for the paint to dry. Joanne Perkins is a Berkshire-based artist with a BA (Hons) in Fine Art. She specialises in painting Berkshire landscapes and loves capturing the natural beauty of her local countryside. She is happy to accept all queries and questions. For more information about Joanne, her work and her current projects visit: [] Joanne can be found on Facebook

Monday 5 November 2018

Introduction to Chinese Paintings

Chinese paintings, despite being as artistic as western paintings, have a unique character of their own. Usual Chinese painting rarely follows the principles of realistic portrayal or focus on the fundamental perception. This allows the painter the freedom of artistic perception, and allows him to adopt a way of expression that expresses his personal feeling in a better manner. Chinese painting has captivated the finest forms of various arts including poetry, seal engraving and calligraphy. It is quite habitual for Chinese to regard an excellent painting as a fine poem and vice versa. That's how the term 'poetry in painting and painting in poetry ' has evolved. It is not surprising to learn that, at one time, lots of great poets were great artists and calligraphers too. Apart from helping us to appreciate the painter's emotions and thoughts, the writings on the paintings also add a decorative value to the paintings. Depending on their format, Chinese paintings may be classified in four categories: scrolls, screens, murals and albums plus fans. Moreover, they often have a superb background that enhances their visual effect. When talking of techniques, Chinese paintings can mainly be classified among two categories: paintings that use freehand brushwork, and those carried out minutely in a pragmatic style.

 When classifying these according to the subject matter, we can divide these paintings into landscapes, figures, flowers, buildings, animals, birds, fish and insects. The brush techniques that are highlighted in these paintings incorporate the dotted method, line and texture and the use of color. It may be too difficult to understand and value Chinese paintings in the absence of a thorough understanding of the characteristic styles prevalent during the historically different periods. For example, economic progress during the rule of Tang family from 618 to 907 AD led to paintings in an elegant style. Subsequently, during the rule of the Song family from 960 to 1279 AD, painters preferred painting in an abstract style, implying meanings instead of direct expressions. Painting skills developed significantly in that time.

It was during the rule of the Ming and Qing, lasting till 1911, that painters started using their art as a means of giving expression to their thoughts and feelings. The paintings of that era display a spirited boldness with little consideration for thoroughness. Paintings of that time reached artistic perfection, and this art form remained alive for a long time, leading to near stagnation. During the early part of the last century, many painters from Beijing, Guangzhou, Nanjing and Hangzhou started challenging the traditional Chinese style of painting and introduced novel art ideas from western countries, and established art schools to train artists. Fortunately, their efforts bore fruit. Subsequently, many of these painters formed the backbone of Chinese Art of Painting. Some of them are active even now.

Caring for Antique Picture Frames

When using antique picture frames it can give your room a vintage look but it is very important that you take good care of these picture frames to keep them in good condition and prolong their lifespan. You will need to make sure that you are dusting your antique picture frames, wiping off the grime, and cleaning out the corners and crevices. The easiest way to help preserve your antique frames is to dust them off periodically to keep them in good condition. Nothing looks worse than a picture in an antique frame that has dust hanging off it. To dust the frame you can use a dry soft cloth to wipe down all four sides thoroughly. You should try to do this at least once every fourteen days because dust can build-up quickly. Dust and dirt can also collect in corners and crevices so when you are dusting your antique frames you should also make sure that you are getting into these areas. Many times when people are dusting off their antique picture frames they are in a hurry to get the chore done and do not think about these areas.

 If you want to keep your frames in good condition you need to clean there also. To make it easier and to make sure that you get the corners and crevices completely clean you can use a dry toothbrush to remove any dirt that has accumulated there but make sure that you do it very gently. If there are tiny crevices you can use a toothpick to dig out the dirt and gunk. If you do not have the time to clean these areas when you are dusting off the frame make sure that it is done at least once every three months. In addition to dusting the antique picture frame you should also wipe it down to get rid of the grime other than the dust. To do this you need to mix fifty percent linseed oil and fifty percent denatured alcohol in a small bowl. In order to prevent any damage to the picture it is best to remove it first if possible. If it cannot be removed you need to make sure that your soft clean rag is not dripping with the solution. Dip a small corner of the clean rag into the solution and wipe down all four sides of the frame.

 Just make sure that you only use a little of the solution at a time to prevent dripping on the painting. This is a job that should be done every three to six months. Doing these simple things will help to keep preserve your antique picture frame and keep it looking nice for a long time. This post is penned by Avisha for Mahoneys Framing who are the finest and most awarded picture frames Melbourne [] shop. Avisha is employed with Mahoneys Framing for many years now and untiringly works to showcase the best of what Mahoneys has to offer with her articles and blog posts and other marketing efforts. Located on the cosmopolitan street of 68 Hardware Lane inside the famous POP Restaurant where its been doing business and serving clients since 1987. For more information about our picture framing [] services or our art restoration services call us at +61-3-96421148 or visit our website here.

Wednesday 18 July 2018

The Reality of Reality Shows

The concept of reality shows Reality television is a television programming genre that displays usually unscripted overdramatic or hilarious situations, documents actual events, and usually features ordinary people instead of trained actors, sometimes in a competition or other circumstances where a prize is awarded. Shows in the Reality TV are called as reality shows that are often produced as series. The people are either engaged in competition with each other or in an awkward situation or spied on in their daily lives. Reality TV is a buzzword of the day. Watching reality shows have become our favourite past time and a source of fun and enjoyment. It is a real program cast with real people not with actors. Though the term reality television is chiefly used to categories shows that have arisen since the year 2000, the history of reality TV shows goes back farther than we can think. Television has been depicting the lives of people through dating shows, contests and pranks for a very long time. It has a great history which most people didn't know considering modern reality television and its boom in popularity in recent years. The reality TV show started in the year 1948, Producer-host Allen Funt's Candid Camera, in which unsuspecting people were drops into funny and unusual situations gets filmed with hidden cameras, was first aired in the year 1948. The show is seen as a prototype of reality television programming.

Different kind of reality shows There are various types of reality shows that are running on TV. These shows broke the boredom of the traditional scripted shows and started showing the real-life situations. Reality shows cater to different age groups and tastes because of the availability of the wide range of themes. In many reality shows, participants are often placed in exotic locations or in abnormal situations. Some of the reality shows cover a person or a group of people improving their lives. They represent a modified and highly influenced form of reality to attract its viewers. Documentaries and nonfictional shows for example news and sports are not categorized under reality shows. Some types of reality shows are as written below: • Documentaries or Documentary Series Out of all the subgenres of reality TV, the documentary subgenre is possibly the most general one. The core difference between documentaries and a documentary series is that while documentaries are every so often constrained to one episode, documentary series span a series in its entireness, following a series of arc-like scripted television.

The subgenre would also cover most social experiment shows, where different kinds of interactions are observed just for the sake of a new experiment. • Competition or Elimination Reality programs that are based on a elimination or competition format are just about getting eliminated by the annoying housemate or having the best participant become the winner. They are all about winning something important overcoming your competitors. The competition may be among all the other participants, or against time/money. • Makeover or Renovation Same as the name itself says this type of shows either about Makeover of a person's appearance or make a renovation of your old house. • Dating This one is the most significant subgenre of reality TV where the boy meets girl and the audience stick to know 'will they or won't they' aspect of the story. • Hidden Camera Starting with Candid Camera, this is possibly the longest-running reality subgenre. It is all about capturing the reactions of innocent people placed in unexpected situations. This subgenre also covers shows which rely on amateur submitted content. • Supernatural The most common types of the show in this subgenre are programs that investigate paranormal occurrences. The subgenre also encompasses shows which focus on hunting down famous mythical creatures.

Travel or Aspirational Since most audiences can't afford to travel to the faraway lands for a vacation, many of us settle on enjoying these destinations through this type of travel shows where a person, couple or group goes to a trip and film all of their experiences for the viewers. Besides all these shows celebrity talk shows or competitions like talent hunt, adventure, game shows or fear-based shows are also mentionable. Reality Shows in India The very first reality show of any kind on Indian TV was a quiz contest Titled- Bournvita Quiz Contest. It was hosted by the famous Derek O'Brien in the year 1972. But first, it featured a live show in various cities initially, then went on air as a radio show. In the year 1992, it became the first reality show to be featured on ZEE TV and Indian Television. Then came "Sansui Antakshari" in the year 1993 which was hosted by Annu Kapoor on ZEE TV and It became the first Indian singing reality show that ran till 2006. Came in different versions of Star One and SAB TV with the same host after 2006. ZEE TV made its name to bring about home-grown reality shows rather adapting international reality shows on Indian TV. Singing reality show Sa Re Ga Ma Pa came in the year 1995 hosted by the famous singer of Bollywood Sonu Nigam and the dancing reality show that changed the whole scenario of dancing shows Dance India Dance came in the year 2009.

Sony Entertainment Television launched India's first dance reality show titled- Boogie Woogie it was created by Naved Jaffrey in the year 1996 and hosted and judged by Javed Jaffrey. It was as an immediate hit for the channel. In the year 2000, Star Plus aired "Kaun Banega Crorepati" with Amitabh Bachchan (an adaptation of "Who wants to become a millionaire") which went on to become India's favourite and most watched reality show. To give competition ZEE TV launched another game show titled- Sawal Dus Crore Ka and Sony TV launched Jeeto Chappar Phhad Ke but KBC's popularity didn't deter; making it the most successful reality show in Indian television. Sony India came up with Indian Idol in 2004 which was an adaptation to the popular international reality show "American Idol". After its success with grown-ups, they came with kids participants in the show which helped the show to gain love by all. The production team of Endemol India came up with popular reality show Big Brother's Indian version of Bigg Boss and Fear Factor on Sony TV in 2006. It became India's most popular international adapted show after KBC.

It was moved to Colors TV making it India's most watched Hindi Television due to its backing on Bigg Boss, Fear Factor competing with the likes of Star Plus and ZEE TV. Next revolution reality shows in India came with an adaptation of other famous international shows like The Voice India and So You Think You Can Dance on &TV. These shows changed the concept of singing and dance shows on Indian Television. Other popular reality shows based on foreign shows are like MTV Roadies, India's Got Talent etc. The actual reality of reality shows It's generally accepted that reality TV is really kind of terrible. What was once considered innovative in the entertainment world, has devolved into unintentional comedies starring the most horrible and awkward people imaginable. Nowadays real is the last thing that strikes you about reality shows. Whether it is a dance show where lesser-known faces of telly world vie for the best dancer tag or the Bigg Boss's house in which racial slurs and catfights are a part of the process to decide winners, much goes into presenting a reality show as real.

There is a vast majority of reality television shows that are not 100 percent real, as there is a high degree of manipulation in order to achieve sustained audience attention. Results are in reality shows mostly controlled by producers/directors. They want to keep audience believe it is random and unpredictable, to convey this most of the time some candidate is told what to do, how to do. They are even told to behave in certain ways. And in the end nobody will show you all things, things will get edited and aired show may be far from actual reality. Reality Television is a genre more of an exact description of the shows themselves. Producer's fake shots and even re-stage dramatic moments that happened when the cameras weren't rolling- pretty much everything is actually plotted and planned out like the normal scripted show. Most of the reality shows still hold a basic level of truth, however, portraying events that really did happen, even if they're acted again for the cameras.

These shows feature people living their lives and doing their jobs, even if a lot has been smoothed out of their day-to-day routine in order to edit out the boring bits. Most of the talent hunt, singing, dancing even in shows based on general knowledge like "Kaun Banega Crorepati" participants has to go through a long struggle. Most of the time voting is absolutely rigged and the winner gets decided as per his or her capability of keeping TRP's high. Most of the contestants of the reality shows, especially the winners, might get disappointed soon after their win, the attention shifts to the winner of the next season. The limelight being taken away from them doesn't agree with many young people. Some contestants might get frustrated as they harbour false hopes that once they win the contest, their future is set for good. Impact of reality shows on society New boys & girls who are becoming reality TV celebrity stars does not succeed on talent but use melodrama to always remain in the news. One of the worst effects of their action is on teens who try to emulate their behaviour.

All the stunts that are done on these TV shows under organized conditions are copied by the people in reality and resulting in death. Some of the shows where contestants participate to win prizes show them in poor light as they use meanness and greed to outdo each other. The negative traits can manifest themselves in the audiences and create behavioural problems. Liberal doses of abuses are hurled on the shows because the directors think that more and more people will watch them. It is a huge mistake because bad words are caught by teens and kids affecting their personality as well as behaviour. Although kids' reality shows like Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Lil Champs, Sabse Bada Kalakaar, Junior Masterchef India and many other shows attract the audiences and gains good ratings, it is not advisable to put children under stressful situations in the early years of their lives! Small children have been forced to participate in reality shows, they have wrenched away from all normal activities and thrown into a single-minded devotion to lending their voices to these reality shows.

They are compelled to shoot for long hours, sometimes in scorching hot non-air conditioned rooms. Even Parents also pressurise their children to excel on reality shows, small children become victims of a system that fosters and encourages unrealistic ambitions. Some reality shows show participants taking extreme risks and putting themselves in bizarre or dangerous situations. Since younger children mostly learn through imitation, watching such programmes may put them at risk of physical injury. A study published in the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology indicated that children who viewed high-risk TV programmes increased their self-reported risk-taking behaviour significantly more than children who were exposed to low-risk TV or watched less TV. Reality shows that are focussed on some people and their day-to-day lives are a big nuisance and parents need to draw a line when it comes to children watching such shows. They portray everything in an exaggerated manner which is not at all a reflection of real life.

This should be made clear to our children. Reality talent shows, on the other hand, make parents feel that their own children are inadequate. Prevention from the bad effects of reality shows First, establish that watching reality shows is not a priority in the family. According to the age and understanding of your child, explain what your family belief systems and values are and that they do not match what is shown on reality TV. Help the child understand the impact such programmes can have and that real life is different from what is projected in a reality show. Have discussions about this in a friendly and non-threatening manner. Article Source:

Coloring Books for For Adults

Do you like to color? If you haven't done so you may wish to try your coloring techniques on a new hobby called coloring for adults. Its popularity started out as means of occupying your idle time while traveling or waiting your turn for an appointment at the doctor's or dentist's office. This new craze has gone beyond its use for doodling or a form of activity for relaxation, or an activity for the elderly. Hobbyists are finding this to be a fun activity and are using their finished art pieces in craft projects. People who are considering art or find that they have a potential or interest in learning how to draw and color find that this new hobby interest is helping and building their confidence to advance their art training.

The first book we purchased had 39 pictures of mandala drawings. A small box of basic coloring pencils started our adventure. We worked with the primary colors of red, orange, blue, green, violet. black, white, and a few other tints which were in the small box. The initial starting stage began with the techniques of our elementary school years. The instructions included the color wheel which we started paying attention to after getting bored with the basic colors. The simple act of coloring is the beginning of gaining tinting knowledge with personal experiences of school day memories and trial and error. As you follow suggestions for cool and warm colors one begins to understand how colors offer contrast or compliment each other. The emotional side benefits of tranquility and immediate rewards encourage learning.

The mandala drawings, which are circles filled with geometric patterns, change their appearance with selected colors. There may be three of you coloring and each of you will have a different kaleidoscopic view because of the color choices made by each individual. If you are anything like me, I started downloading free examples offered by artists located Online.

Selecting landscaping, animals, people, and objects allowed me to experiment and gain a better understanding of colors. The benefit of working with colored pencils: Economical Clean and dry Purchase coloring books Download from the Internet Make your own drawings or sketches No added equipment or accessories There are different sizes of boxed colored pencils available. We started with a small box and learned how to mix colors to increase tint variety. Later we purchased larger boxes for more variety, but still found that we like mixing colors to get the hue that is just right for the project. Coloring is a fun hobby; try it, you may like it.

Thursday 12 July 2018

What Is The Salt Technique?

What is this technique used for? This technique is used to give paintings a rough texture and to create special colour effects. What the salt does is it absorbs the water in the paint and causes the pigment in the paint to spread out. What you're left with is a lighter area that provides a contrast with the darker paint you applied. Using this technique in a particular part of a painting can help give that prominence to make it stand out and grab the viewer's attention. Can it be used with any type of paint? The only type of paint this technique is suitable for is watercolour because of the fact that the salt absorbs the water; the salt wouldn't have any water to absorb if you were painting with acrylics or oils, so the technique won't work with acrylics or oils. Can it be used with any type of salt? You can use any type of salt for this technique. However different types of salt will produce different effects and some types will work better than others. For the best effects, it's suggested that you use coarse salt. The bigger the piece of salt, the more it's going to absorb.

This technique will still work with fine salt, but the effect won't be as pronounced as when using coarse salt. How do I do it? Using this technique is very simple. First get your watercolour paints and your support and paint the area you'd like to add the salt to. Once you've finished painting, lightly sprinkle some salt over the area you want to be affected, though of course the paint has to still be wet, preferably shiny and quite damp. If the paint has dried, this technique won't work; if the paint's too wet and there are puddles of liquid everywhere, the salt will absorb all the paint and you won't get the same effects. Get rid of any puddles by gently using a paper towel. Once the salted area is completely dry, then you should gently brush away the granules of salt - don't leave the salt on the painting. Is there a knack to it? It may take you a few tries before you get this technique right because you have to know exactly how much salt to use to get your desired effects.

If you use too little salt, you're not going to get as many effects; use too much and you could end up seeing too much of the colour absorbed. There is a knack to judging how much salt you should use - the wetness of the watercolour paint also makes a difference, so bear that in mind when experimenting with this technique. Try to use this technique in a room that isn't too warm or cold: if it's too warm, the paint can dry too quickly, not giving the salt enough time to be effective; it it's too cold, you could find yourself waiting for ages for the paint to dry. Joanne Perkins is a Berkshire-based artist with a BA (Hons) in Fine Art. She specialises in painting Berkshire landscapes and loves capturing the natural beauty of her local countryside. She is happy to accept all queries and questions.

What Is The Dry Brush Painting Technique?

What is this technique used for? The dry brush painting technique is used to give paintings more texture and to make them look like they've been done on a much rougher surface; the surface also looks as if it's been scratched quite a lot. If you're using water-based media, including watercolours and acrylics, using this technique on something in the painting can give it prominence because it contrasts with the rest of the painting.

What type of paint should I use it with? The great thing about this painting technique is that it can be used with all three main types of paint (acrylics, watercolours and oils). Of the three main types of paint, acrylics and watercolours are probably the best to use this technique with because they dry quite quickly. Because oils take a lot longer to dry, you have to wait a lot longer for the paint to dry before you can blend or brush over strokes you've already made. Is there anything else I should know? This technique is really well suited for watercolour paper, especially paper that's already got quite a rough texture to it. To get the best out of using this technique, it's suggested that you use a round brush, not a fine point one. By using a round brush, the paint is being spread round more, whereas with a fine point brush, the paint's going to be applied in lines, which makes this technique's effects less noticeable.

How do I do it? Make sure your brush is completely dry and is free from any oils or solvents. Load it up with paint, then blot it several times on to a paper towel. Make sure the support you're applying the paint to is completely dry. When it comes to applying the paint to the support, you should do so very lightly, as if you're just skimming over the surface. Keep creating strokes until there's hardly any paint left on the brush, then it's time to reload the brush. If you want to add more colour and depth to a stroke, wait until it's completely dry and then go over it using the same steps you did for the first one. Oils are probably not the best choice for this technique because they take so long to dry; if you want to be able to go over your work, you should use acrylics or watercolours.

5 Benefits Of Painting

1. Appreciating works of art Paintings can be intricate works of art that have many layers to them in terms of their message. Artists complete their works in a particular way and have a particular subject matter for a reason. If you paint, you'll get a better understanding of why other artists have completed their works in the way they have. The best way to understanding the make-up of a painting is not to look at it from afar, but to do your own paintings and get to grips with how they're completed. The more you experiment in your own work with different styles and techniques, the more you'll understand and appreciate other works of art.

2. Stress relief Painting is a great way to relieve stress. Many people turn to painting because it allows them to get away from it all and focus on creating something positive. Many channel their stress into their works and create works that have been inspired by their heavy feelings. Painting becomes more fun and exciting because you're leaving the negativity behind and doing something where you can just focus on the good.

3. Self-expression Lots of people enjoy painting because it's a great way for them to express themselves. There's nothing to get your creativity going like a blank canvas. With painting you can create whatever you want and you can say whatever you want. All paintings have meaning and messages, whether they're simple or complex. All paintings are done to convey meaning and messages to others; they're a way for the artist to show their creativity and express themselves to the world in a highly creative way.

4. Optimism Most painters are optimists because painting has helped them develop a positive outlook on life. Part of this outlook comes from a sense of achievement artists feel as they develop their painting skills and complete more paintings. Many artists who have been painting for a while feel great that they've built up a skill set and have a collection of paintings to show. Building up skills and paintings is something that can help you feel a lot more positive because you're achieving things and doing something good.

5. Fun To put it simply, one of the best benefits of painting is that it's fun. You get to unleash your creative spirit and can create whatever you want without any restrictions. You're in charge and you get to approach painting exactly how you want to. You feel motivated to get your work done then you feel a sense of accomplishment once it's done. There is so much to explore, with loads of different styles and techniques to discover - there's always going to be a painting ready to be created. Painting can be many things but there's no denying that above all, it's a lot of fun, and that's one of its best benefits. Joanne Perkins is a Berkshire-based artist with a BA (Hons) in Fine Art. She specialises in painting Berkshire landscapes and loves capturing the natural beauty of her local countryside. She is happy to accept all queries and questions. For more information about Joanne, her work and her current projects.

It's Only Paint and Canvas

What is the true" market value" of a painting? How does a potential collector know that a fair price is being offered? After all, the price can be negotiated... It's not like a car, a stereo system, or a suit jacket that contains technical components and can be shopped between stores. It's only paint and canvas, right? Lines, colors, shapes, usually on a flat rectangular surface: that's how we most often define "a painting." As an objet d'art it has perceived value, both inside and out of the marketplace. Often paintings contain little or no moving parts. Precious metals may be employed, but not usually-it's simply canvas by-the-yard and pigment. The materials of which a painting is made today are not much different than they were thousands of years ago, when early man painted and engraved shapes of animals on cave walls, with crushed plants and vegetable matter for paint, and animal-fat crayons and fingertips for brushes. The technology of paint-making and the variety of painting surfaces have significantly improved since then, but paint is still made of pigments and the surface of a painting is still usually flat. Doesn't' sound that impressive, does it?

 _______________________________ "The synthesis of truth and beauty... is the highest and deepest reality." Ovid _________________________________ Let's consider the work of those early artists, at places like Lascaux and Altamira: they were the agents of man's first recorded history. Their wall paintings speak to us through the millennia, even though their materials were elemental. Those artworks still communicate human ideas, perceptions, the very milieu in which early men and women lived. Those paintings today give us an insight into a culture, basal psychology, and the soul of early man. Those artworks were--as all artworks have been since those first paintings were created-visions, thoughts, dreams, and an exploration of what it means to be human. Those paintings in sedimentary sanctuaries were not-and are not now-simply colored dirt on stone: they are the reality of a time gone by. ______________________ " We keep our eyes on the things we cannot see: for the things which we can see are temporal; the things that are unseen are eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:18 ________________________________ It's the vision encapsulated in those ancient artworks that give them their true value, not the materials with which they are made. Then as now, it is the material that gives the immaterial form and meaning, and which gives any painting its value. How well a contemporary artwork does that for each viewer or potential collector in today's marketplace, how deeply the painting establishes a personal connection, is what gives the work its significance and worth. Paintings enable us to see more than the obvious, to break free of our prejudices, to elevate our thoughts.

The author Charlotte Bronte expressed this ability of the artist to help us "see" on a higher plane: "I try to avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward." The artist is the catalyst in this process of Imagineering and revelation. It is through the artist's eye that new possibilities can be discovered, and comprehended. In fact, former President John F. Kennedy underlined that creative significance: "I see little of more importance to the future of our country and of civilization than full recognition of the place of the artist. If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him." The painter does what the director does for a film, or the composer for a symphony. He or she draws unrelated concepts together, instills pattern, variety and unity, and discloses the essence of an idea. If we look through the painter's lens, we are treated to a new perspective on reality. The visionary artist is a conductor on the journey to an exotic destination. We begin to understand that there is something higher in that artwork, than just paint and canvas. ___________________________ "An artist is not paid for his labor, but for his vision."

James Abbot McNeill Whistler ___________________________________ For a painting, it is the experience of the artist expressed therein that is of utmost value. The material nature of the work is quite secondary. A painting that conveys the power of emotion to the viewer is more than "just paint and canvas." It is the description of a heartfelt concept that has been forged into tangible excellence through a creative process of envisioning and technical facility. It even has the power to change lives. "(Art) has the capacity to penetrate even the most callous skin and to ignite a revolution from within," as musician Benjamin Moore so eloquently reminds us.

Pursuing art with our whole hearts and minds is probably the most civilizing undertaking we can do as artists. "What a privilege it is to be able to take brush in hand and put paint on paper in this troubled world," is our encouragement from artist Veronica Stensby. A painting's value is not in its material nature, as "just paint and canvas." Rather, it is the vision an artist expresses with those materials that is of value: that slice of heaven, the best of the Best, that idea of the Ideal, that is the central core of both the material and spiritual worth of an artwork. What is the significance of painting and the role of the painter in modern society? Is art just a luxury, or can it help inspire or change those who view and collect it? Should we think of art as an investment, or as a way to connect to our world? I believe the answer is more profound that it might appear.

Sunday 1 July 2018

My Date With Beating Retreat 2016

Being in Delhi for more than three decades, I did not get an opportunity to see the Beating Retreat ceremony live. Since every news paper while reporting about the forthcoming event in 2016 stated that this year it is going to be colourful and more musical and the ceremony during 2016 will be at its best. After seeing that report both me and my wife got excited and don't want to miss the event this time. After getting pass for the programme I was eagerly waiting for the event to be held on 29 Jan 2016. The scheduled programme was to start exactly at 5.30 PM. All the Central Government offices located around Vijay Chowk were closed and Security Staff occupied the area and the venue was looked like a war zone. We started from our residence at around 3 AM and reached Patel Chowk Metro Station at 3.30. By that time lot of people started pouring in and were going towards the venue. Security was so tight and it seemed that all security staff watching the public with a suspicion to avoid any untoward incidents.

After reaching the venue we found that there were three tier security. This was the first time we went through three tier security and we both felt little nervous. The sun was about to set in. The reflection of red colour brighten the sky. Entire audience were waiting eagerly for the ceremony to begin. The atmosphere was completely silent. All eyes were turned towards Rastrabathi Bhawan. A white jeep started coming towards the dais. Yeah it was the Chief of the Naval Staff who came first followed by Air Force and Army Chief. Entire audience clapped their hands when the three Chiefs waved their hands towards the crowd. After few minutes, the crowd stood at their feet to see Prime Minister's car reaching the venue. It's difficult to ignore Narendra Modi's signature half-sleeve kurtas (and churidaars). His crisp formals and that pop of colour make him distinct from other guests. When he waved his hand the entire audience responded with a roar! When President's cavalcade entered the venu everybody got excited and the entire crowd waved their hands and the President reciprocated them by waving his hand to the audience.

The Republic Day parade is a wonderful experience and a very proud tradition of our nation. Unlike previous year the much awaited Beating Retreat, that signals the end of the Republic Day festivities, undergone a slight change.The ceremony in Delhi is observed keeping in mind the age old tradition, according to which, soldiers called a close down to the war at sunset.The ceremony officially marks the finale of the Republic day celebrations. This year the ceremony show caused new blend of music instead of the long tradition of only military music. Sitar, santoor and tabla, will be heard for the first time along with military bands.These newly introduced percussion instruments has changed the usual bugles, pipes and drums usually featured in the show by the colonial military band. For the better view of the programme for the crowd LED screens, spider-cams and surround sound systems were installed. And at exactly 6 pm, the buglers sound the retreat and the National Flag is lowered to the National Anthem and soon after Rashtrabathi Bhawan, South Block, North Block and all the surrounding Government buildings illuminated that brought the Republic Day celebrations to a bright and formal end.

Five Surprising Benefits of Outdoor Recreation

When it comes to exercise, many people head straight to the gym, preferring to work their muscles on a treadmill or elliptical machine. While gyms are certainly useful and can give an athlete a head start on their fitness goals, nothing quite beats the benefits of nature. For those looking to improve their physical fitness, outdoor recreation can help boost both physical and emotional fitness and health, while also transforming exercise from a dull routine into a fun adventure. Here are five reasons everyone should head outside.

Improve Physique Outdoor recreation can often be physically demanding, but the sports work different muscles than those static machines at the gym. Instead of doing countless repetitions on a weight machine, try canoeing or go fishing with a friend. The motions of the sports work the arm and core stabilizer muscles in a different way, boosting the effectiveness of a gym workout and improving muscle tone and strength. Best of all, because the movements come with a healthy dose of fun, it won't feel like exercise! Engage With Others Working out in a gym is often a solitary activity.

Headphones and televisions often keep people from interacting or conversing as they work out. Outside, whether it's on a hiking trail or at a golf course, people can talk to each other, turning a solitary activity into a social outing. Once the conversations start, many people find they have more in common with their fellow participants than they expected, resulting in new friendships and new connections. Unplug From the Daily Grind Technology is everywhere in daily life. At work, many tasks are completed on a computer, and at home, countless hours are devoted to the television. Heading outside for a walk or sitting in a park gives people the opportunity to unplug and relax. Rather than focusing on a screen, individuals can focus on watching the clouds or observe the way the leaves blow in the wind. Disconnecting from technology gives the mind a chance to rest and reset, reducing anxiety and stress associated with an on-demand society.

Better Sleep and Improved Focus Anyone who is familiar with spending hours outside in the sun knows that at the end of the day, their body is tired. Outdoor recreation changes up the way the body moves, exercising new muscles and stimulating the mind. Physical activity helps the body relax and makes it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. Well-rested individuals are better prepared to focus the next day and often see an improvement in the quality of their work. Develop New Hobbies Getting outside is a great way to discover new passions and hobbies. Go to a new place, hike a new trail, or play a new sport. Not only will the new experiences help cultivate a passion for the environment, but it will also give individuals an outlet outside of their usual hobbies. Instead of heading to the gym for a solitary workout session, head outside, take a walk in nature, and breathe the fresh air!