Friday 15 June 2018

The Advantages of Film Cameras in a Digital Age

Digital cameras have been developing day by day since their invention. The advent of digital photography has almost replaced the conventional film photography in the consumer market. The production of new film cameras has come down considerably. While digital cameras offer a lot of benefits, there still are some advantages of using film cameras. Read on to know more. Resolution Digital camera sensors are made from pixels or grid of photo elements. So, the image sensor resolution is based on the number of pixels on the sensor. This is called the resolution, which is expressed in megapixels. Therefore, the digital sensors are prone to distortion due to the moiré effects. On the other hand, film media is not affected by this issue.

Sensor Size The size of the image sensor in a digital camera is limited. These sensors are smaller than the regular 35mm film frame. This may result in a lot of issues, such as pixel noise and light sensitivity, to name a few. you can't find many user-oriented camera that have full frame sensors. So, their sensors are not as good as those found in film cameras. On the other hand, you can find film media in many sizes ranging from 35mm to 135mm. it's important to keep in mind that even the smallest size of the film doesn't match the 24x36m film. In simple words, film cameras offer higher "resolution" than digital cameras. Dust problems As far as film photography goes, dust and dirt is a common problem; however, digital photography is effected more by the dust and dirt.

If dust gets into the camera and reaches the sensor, you won't be able to take clear shots. Integrity Negatives have higher integrity than digital photos. In other words, negatives are taken as an evidence of the image authenticity. There are a lot of programs out there that allow you to modify digital images. So, the scope for falsification of digital photos is wider, which is not true for film photography. Storage, backups, and other Costs You don't need a storage medium in case of a film camera. All you need is a film reel. Moreover, the film reels are not as prone to damage as digital cameras.

Even if you mishandle the reel, you may end up damaging a frame or two. The rest of frames will be intact. On the other hand, you need large memory cards and hard drives to store digital pictures. If the storage medium is damaged, you will find it extremely hard to recover the photos you shot. All of the data will be gone forever. Aside from this, there are compatibility issues as well. You have to have the right OS, data drivers, motherboards and other components for the system to work.

Moreover, you also have to have large hard drives to store the images for backups. This adds to the effort and cost. In case of film cameras, you don't have any of these problems. The takeaway Although the film photography will be no more in the future, professionals still believe that film photography has a lot of advantages and offers better quality photos than digital.

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